Plan A Visit
Our goal here at Monclova Christian Academy is to ensure that any school transition is easy and worry-free. To help us obtain that goal we hold private tours so that you can see the campus and ask any questions you might have directly to our academy representative. If you would like to schedule a private tour of the campus set up an appointment by emailing the academy via the link provided below.
Academy Admissions Process
Welcome to Monclova Christian Academy, and thank you for your interest.
Should you desire more information than is available on our academy’s website, please Request More Information and our Admissions Office will contact you. If you have not already done so, please consider making an appointment to visit. We would very much like to meet you and encourage you to tour our academy and campus.
We encourage families to apply online as it simplifies submission and provides parents the ability to track the status of their child’s application. After submitting the application, you will be able to track your admissions status at the academy by logging in to your account. In addition, you will be able to print the completed application, monitor when the academy receives any applicable supplemental forms and, if necessary, reprint the forms.
We appreciate your interest and hope to assist you any way we can.
Monclova Christian Academy admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the academy. Monclova Christian Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarships, and athletic and other academy-administered programs.
Steps To Admission
Step 1 - Faith First
To establish guidelines for admission to the Monclova Christian Academy, the following policies and procedures have been adopted by the MCA Board of Education. The final approval or disapproval of a child’s admittance to the Academy is governed by the school’s board of education. Each student is screened by the academy principal.
The natural parents or legal guardians must subscribe to the Statement of Faith and rules governing dress code and discipline procedures.
No student shall be admitted who:
A. Has an emotional or disciplinary problem.
B. Has a juvenile court record.
C. Has a physical handicap that would prohibit the learning process.
D. Is married or has been married.
E. Has an outstanding tuition bill from a previous school.
F. Defiantly rejects Christ and/or the policies of this academy.
G. Does not want to attend MCA.
Step 2 - Application to Monclova Christian Academy
If parents and students are in agreement with and understand the statement of faith, families are encouraged to click here to fill out the student application.
Step 3 - Admissions Interview and Admissions Decision
Parents and children will have an interview with the academy administration and an admissions decision will be made following the interview.
Step 4 - Admissions Assessments
Once the application has been received, placement testing will be scheduled to ensure that the grade applied for will be the best fit for the prospective student.
Monclova Christian Academy Tuition

Scholarships and Financial Aid
For qualifying families, there are scholarships or financial aid available to you. Whether you are a current family with needs or a prospective family wondering if you can afford to send your child to MCA, please contact the academy office for a scholarship application.

MCA Re-Enrollment Process
To complete our online re-enrollment process, you will access our Family Online through your existing login. If you do not have a login, please follow the Instructions for Creating a Family Online Login listed below.
To access Family Online:
- Please open FACTS
- Select Parent Log In from the menu bar and FACTS Family Online from the drop-down menu.
- Type in your username and password. If you have forgotten your username or password, please click on the link provided.
- Click on the Enrollment/Reenrollment link.
Our online enrollment system will open with a link to the enrollment packet for your student. The online process should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Your information will be saved if you need to quit and come back later.
The instructions and enrollment checklist page of the enrollment packet contains supplemental enrollment forms that also must be submitted. Further instructions on these forms are provided online.
If you have any questions about the process, feel free to contact the academy office at (419) 866-7630.
M-F 8:00am - 3:00pm
Summer Hours
T & Th 9:00am - 12:00pm
(419) 866-7630