Who We Are
Started in 1999 as a ministry of Monclova Road Baptist Church, Monclova Christian Academy is a Pre-K through 12 Christian Academy serving the greater Toledo area. We believe that Monclova Christian Academy is an academy that believes and upholds the Bible, respects others, fosters academic excellence, and seeks to encourage a loyalty to the Lord, to parents, and to our nation.
Statement of Faith
The following statements are an abbreviated summary of those doctrines which are essential to the practice and propagation of true Biblical Christianity, and therefore are held by Monclova Christian Academy. MCA, which is a ministry of Monclova Road Baptist Church, will follow the entire doctrinal statement of Monclova Road Baptist Church.
We believe that the Holy Bible was written by men supernaturally inspired. The Bible is that collection of books from Genesis to Revelation, which as originally written, not only contains and conveys the Word of God, but IS the very Word of God.
The True God
We believe that there is one, and only one, living and true God. In the unity of the Godhead, there are three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, equal in every divine perfection and executing distinct but harmonious offices in the great work of redemption.
The Holy Spirit
We believe that the Holy Spirit is a Divine Person equal with God the Father and God the Son. He seals, endues, guides, teaches, witnesses, sanctifies, and helps the believer.
Devil or Satan
We believe that Satan was once holy and enjoyed heavenly honors, but through pride and ambition to be as the Almighty, he fell and drew after him a host of angels. He is now the malignant prince of the power of the air, and the unholy god of the accuser of the saints, the author of all false religions, destined, however, to final defeat at the hands of God’s Son and the judgment of an eternal justice in hell, a place prepared for him and his angels.
We believe in the Genesis account of creation and that it is to be accepted literally, that man was created directly in God’s own image, that man’s creation was not a matter of evolution or evolutionary change of species or developments through periods of time from lower to higher forms, and that the creation week consisted of six days plus a seventh day of rest.
We believe that man was created in innocence under the law of his Maker; but by voluntary transgression, man fell from his sinless and happy state. Now, all of mankind are sinners by choice and are under condemnation without defense or excuse.
Virgin Birth
We believe that Jesus Christ was begotten of the Holy Spirit in a miraculous manner, born of a woman, and that He is both the Son of God and God the Son.
We believe the salvation of sinners is wholly of grace through faith in the work of Jesus Christ. Christ voluntarily substituted Himself in the sinner’s place, the just dying for the unjust, Christ bearing our sins in His own body on the tree; and by His death and resurrection, He is now enthroned in heaven. We believe in order to be saved, sinners must be born again, the new birth is a new creation in Jesus Christ, and it is instantaneous and not a process. We believe it is the duty of all to accept God’s grace by faith. We do not accept the theological concepts known as unconditional election, limited atonement, and irresistible grace. We believe the saved are kept by the power of God through faith unto eternal salvation.
The Church
We believe that a church of Christ is a congregation of baptized believers associated by a covenant of faith and fellowship of the Gospel and observing the ordinances of Christ. We believe the true mission of the church is to win the lost and to teach them as God has commanded. We believe in observing the Lord’s Table to commemorate the dying love of Christ by the sacred use of bread and the fruit of the vine.
Eternal Life
We believe that there is a radical difference between the righteous and the wicked, that the saved will spend eternity in heaven, and the unsaved will spend eternity in hell.

Technology in Education

Kids learning math through specialized tablet applications.
In the modern age, an understanding and access to technology is vital to giving students the best chance at success at the next level, whether that be in college or the workforce. At Monclova Christian Academy, we use technology to give our students access to learning and resources to help them to develop. All of our classrooms are equipped with SMART Board® interactive displays which are purpose-built to support teaching approaches that affect learning outcomes.
In our elementary grades, students have access to tablets with curated applications designed to help them to learn and view technology as a gateway to further education. Junior High and High school students use tablets provided by MCA for many of their class projects as well as some specialized and college credit courses. Junior High students have access to these devices at appropriate times during the academy day, and Senior High students each have their own tablet assigned to them that they are responsible for through the year.
All of this is supported by fiber-optic internet access and a state of the art wireless network.
Monclova Road Baptist Church

Monclova Christian Academy was founded in 1999 as a ministry of Monclova Road Baptist Church.
Monclova Road is an independent baptist church with the goal of reaching our community with the great news of Jesus Christ. At MRBC you will find a family-oriented church built upon a solid foundation of the Word of God.
Each week, the church offers age-specific classes and small groups for all ages as well as corporate worship and teaching. Worship services and classes for all ages take place at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings. Midweek Bible studies offer something for everyone and take place on Wednesday evenings starting at 7 o’clock with AWANA for elementary kids and student worship for junior high and high schoolers.
M-F 8:00am - 3:00pm
Summer Hours
T & Th 9:00am - 12:00pm
(419) 866-7630